Audio Recordings
The recordings will be available by Thursday at 11 pm. For those without a computer, the service audio is also available on compact disc (CD) or cassette tape recorded on request and ready for hand out by the following Sunday. Please speak to Matthew or one of the ushers for more information. You may also request a copy of the latest sermon recording by e-mail at [email protected]
To stream the audio immediately click on the audio bars or icons below. To obtain a higher quality recording that can be played back later, right click on "Download File" and save on your computer.
Recording Archives: 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013-2012
The recordings will be available by Thursday at 11 pm. For those without a computer, the service audio is also available on compact disc (CD) or cassette tape recorded on request and ready for hand out by the following Sunday. Please speak to Matthew or one of the ushers for more information. You may also request a copy of the latest sermon recording by e-mail at [email protected]
To stream the audio immediately click on the audio bars or icons below. To obtain a higher quality recording that can be played back later, right click on "Download File" and save on your computer.
Recording Archives: 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013-2012
Mastering and posting of sermons will happen one per day until the queue is complete. The audio technician has had issues recently, but is now mostly better. This effort has started on the 12th of November and should be complete within the week, again, one sermon mastered per day. -Matthew
December 3, 2017
"How Can I Be Sure?" Speaker: Pastor Keith Daly 52m:27s Luke 1:5-25 Posted on December 5, at apx. 3:00 pm |
The audio player provides 32kbps MP3 audio, while the download offers high-quality L4-VBR MP3 audio
October 29, 2017
Speaker: Pastor Keith Daly 49m: 26s Posted on November 12, at apx. 4:00 pm |
The audio player provides 32kbps MP3 audio, while the download offers high-quality L4-VBR MP3 audio
August 13, 2017
"Worship, Spiritual Gifts, and Ministry" Speaker: Mr. George Meisner 59m: 35s 1 Cor. 12-14 Posted on August 14, at apx. 10:30 pm |
The audio player provides 32kbps MP3 audio, while the download offers high-quality L4-VBR MP3 audio
August 6, 2017
Speaker: Rev. Keith Daly 47m: 12s Posted on August 26, at apx. 9:00 pm |
The audio player provides 32kbps MP3 audio, while the download offers high-quality L4-VBR MP3 audio
July 30, 2017
Speaker: Guest Speaker 41m: 10s Posted on August 26 at apx. 10:30 pm |
The audio player provides 32kbps MP3 audio, while the download offers high-quality L4-VBR MP3 audio
July 9, 2017
"Faith In Action Brings Opposition" Speaker: Rev. Keith Daly 50m: 12s Acts 4:1-31; John 9; Acts 14 Posted on July 15, at apx 8:15 pm |
The audio player provides 32kbps MP3 audio, while the download offers high-quality L4-VBR MP3 audio
July 2, 2017
"There's Power In The Name" Speaker: Pastor Keith Daly 41m: 41s Acts 3:1-16 Posted on July 15, at apx. 10:00 pm |
The audio player provides 32kbps MP3 audio, while the download offers high-quality L4-VBR MP3 audio
June 25, 2017
"We Are on a Mission in The Name of Jesus" Speaker: Megan Waller 42m: 17s Acts 4: 7-12 Posted on July 15, at apx. 11:15 pm |
The audio player provides 32kbps MP3 audio, while the download offers high-quality L4-VBR MP3 audio
June 4, 2017
"How Are We Waiting?" Speaker: Mike Darrach 59m: 24s Acts 1:4 Posted on June 10, at apx. 8:30 pm |
The audio player provides 32kbps MP3 audio, while the download offers high-quality L4-VBR MP3 audio
May 28, 2017
"Are You Coming Back For Me?" Speaker: Rev. Keith Daly 46m: 48s John 14:1-6; Acts 1:1-11; 1 Thess. 4:16-17 Posted on June 10, at apx. 10:00 pm |
The audio player provides 32kbps MP3 audio, while the download offers high-quality L4-VBR MP3 audio
May 21, 2017
"I am going to the Father... follow Me." Speaker: Rev. Keith Daly 45m: 14s John 20: 1-17 Posted on May 27, at apx 7:45 pm |
The audio player provides 32kbps MP3 audio, while the download offers high-quality L4-VBR MP3 audio
May 14, 2017
"Who or what are you working for?" Speaker: Rev. Keith Daly 47m: 18s John 21: 1-14 |
The audio player provides 32kbps MP3 audio, while the download offers high-quality L4-VBR MP3 audio
May 7, 2017
"Touch me and see..." Speaker: Rev. Keith Daly 50m: 40s Luke 24:39 Posted on May 14, at apx 12:30am |
The audio player provides 32kbps MP3 audio, while the download offers high-quality L4-VBR MP3 audio
April 30, 2017
Speaker: Rev Keith Daly Posted on May 7, at apx. 12:45am |
The audio player provides 32kbps MP3 audio, while the download offers high-quality L4-VBR MP3 audio
March 5, 2017
"5... 4... 3... 2... 1..." Speaker: Rev. Keith Daly 40m: 44s 2 Corinthians 5:1-10 Posted on March 5, at apx. 3:30pm |
The audio player provides 32kbps MP3 audio, while the download offers high-quality L4-VBR MP3 audio
February 26, 2017
"Saved for Service" Speaker: Rev. Keith Daly 38m: 27s Ephesians 2:10 Posted on March 1 at apx. 8:30 pm |
The audio player provides 32kbps MP3 audio, while the download offers high-quality L4-VBR MP3 audio
February 5, 2017
Speaker: Rev. Keith Daly 39m: 51s Posted on March 5, at apx. 4:45 pm |
The audio player provides 32kbps MP3 audio, while the download offers high-quality L4-VBR MP3 audio
January 29, 2017
"Who Am I?" Speaker: Rev. Keith Daly 39m: 43s Ephesians 1: 1-14 Posted on January 29 at apx. 8:00 pm |
The audio player provides 32kbps MP3 audio, while the download offers high-quality L4-VBR MP3 audio
January 22, 2017
"The Gathering of Nations" Speaker: Rev. Keith Daly 37m: 55s Revelation 7:9-17 Posted on January 22 at apx. 8:45pm |
The audio player provides 32kbps MP3 audio, while the download offers high-quality L4-VBR MP3 audio
January 15, 2017
"Where Do You Worship?" Speaker: Rev. Keith Daly 44m: 34s John 4:19-24 |
The audio player provides 32kbps MP3 audio, while the download offers high-quality L4-VBR MP3 audio